Center for
Work Systems
Design and Prototyping
ErgoPRO is a novel teaching activity which aims to help participants to better comprehend the engineering design process through the ergonomics perspective. Different simulation supports are employed to solve the case (which was based in real situation) with the goal to develop participants’ professional competencies in ergonomics and design.
Computational techniques for the design process are known and disseminated in several engineering courses which approach design-related content. The CADPro course was developed as a multi-disciplinary and integrative method for learning design techniques, specially CAD (Computer Aided Design) ones, in the context of the production engineering.
Virtual simulation of human activities during the design and conception process of new tools, workspaces and work systems might be a significant differential for future performance of work systems and workers’ health, safety and well-being assurance. HumanPRO is a simple and agile method to enable these human simulations.
The S3Pro is the scientific event for divulgation of novel and traditional technologies and themes related to NPro’s field of interest. The first edition occurred in November of 2016 and was a success with more than 200 participants in its activities. The second edition is already being planned and will take place in the second semester of 2017.
We are developing a novel channel for spreading and discussing the themes related to the group’s field of interest: the CastPRO. This podcast will be launched in Portuguese for the transmission and diffusion of knowledge in a dynamic and compelling way. If you are interested to learn more about this initiative, contact us!
GamePRO is an approach which connects concepts of Gamification and Serious Game Design applied to work systems planning, design and management. Using different intermediary objects, GamePRO applies technologies such as game engines and 3D printing to create simulation environments with diverse goals.
© 2017 nPRO
The NPro was founded in the end of 2016 with the goal to integrate and support different initiatives from researchers and students linked to design and prototyping (physical and virtual) applied to work systems' planning, design and management . The group is based in the Department of Production Engineering of the Federal University of Sao Carlos in Brazil, and aims to participate in teaching, research and community interaction projects as well as to develop partnerships with companies and research groups from Brazil and abroad.
Our intention is to promote dialogue, reflection, creativity, personal and professional development. Interested? Get in touch with us or come and visit us!
Departament of Production Engineering
Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar
Rod. Washington Luiz, km 235
São Carlos, SP 13565-905
+55 16 3351-9548